V herním prostředí se můžeme domluvit různě. Jednou z možností je použít emoce. Emoce za nás sice nic neřeknou přímo, ukáží ale jak se cítíme případně co chceme nebo potřebujeme. Emoci vyvoláme tak, že místo napsaní prostého textu, před něj vložíme lomítko ( / ), a napíšeme příšlusnou emoci kterou chceme po svém charakteru aby udělal. Můžeme ji také zacílit na někoho ve svém okolí (aby věděl, že nás například rozzlobil). Toho dosáhneme tak že si zvolený charakter zacílíme (bude pod ním svítit kolečko a jeho staty s portrétem se ukáží vedle našich).
Emoce jsou trojího druhu,
prosté - pouze se vypíší v okně chatu
animované - krom vypsání v chatu je doprovází i nějaký viditelný efekt ( sednutí, tanec, apod. )
zvukové - krom vypsání v chatu a efektu, je doprovází i zvuk který slyší všichni okolo ( smích postavy, postěžování si, apod. )
Prosté emoce
/Agree | Souhlasíte s postavou | /Amaze | Jste ohromeni postavou |
/Apologize | Omlouváte se postavě.Sorry! | /Bark | Vykřiknete na postavu |
/Beckon | Přitakáváte postavě | /Belch | Krknete postavě do tváře |
/Bite | Kousnete postavu. Ouch! | /Bleed | Krvácíte z ran |
/Blink | Mrknete na postavu | /Blood | Krvácíte z ran |
/Bonk | Klepnete postavu přes kokos. Doh! | /Burp | Krknete postavě do tváře |
/Calm | Pokoušíte se uklidnit postavu | /Cat | Škrábnete postavu. Jak kočičí! |
/Cold | Ukážete postavě že je vám zima | /Comfort | Utišíte postavu. |
/Cough | Zakašlete na postavu. | /Cower | Skrýváte se ve strachu před pohledem postavy |
/Crack | Křupnete klouby vyzývavě k postavě | /Cringe | Plazíte se od postavy |
/Cuddle | Tulíte se k postavě | /Disappointed | Rozhořčeně se mračíte na postavu |
/Doh | Klepnete postavu přes kokos. Doh! | /Doom | Zastrasujete postavu hrůzou jejího osudu |
/Drool | Pri pohledu na postavu slintáte blahem | /Duck | Krčíte se pred postavou |
/Eye | Přejedete postavu očima odshora dolu | /Fart | Otřete se o postavu a hlasitě napodobíte prdění |
/Fear | Skrýváte se ve strachu před pohledem postavy | /Fidget | Vrtíte se nedočkavostí při čekání na postavu |
/Flop | Plácáte se bezmocně kolem postavy | /Food | Jste hladový, možná má postava něco k snědku... |
/Frown | Zklamaně se na postavu zamračíte. |
/Gaze | You gaze eagerly at (Target). |
/Glad | You are very happy with (Target)! | /Glare | You glare angrily at (Target). |
/Grin | You grin wickedly at (Target). | /Groan | You look at (Target) and groan. |
/Happy | You are very happy with (Target)! | /Hug | You hug (Target). |
/Hungry | You are hungry. Maybe (Target) has some food.. | /Introduce | You introduce yourself to (Target). |
/JK | You let (Target) know that you were just kidding! | /Knuckles | You crack your knuckles while staring at (Target). |
/Lick | You lick (Target). | /Listen | You listen intently to (Target). |
/Love | You love (Target). | /Massage | You massage (Target)'s shoulders. |
/Moan | You moan suggestively at (Target). | /Mock | You mock the foolishness of (Target). |
/Moon | You drop your trousers and moon (Target). | /Nosepick | You pick your nose and show it to (Target). |
/Panic | You take one look at (Target) and panic. | /Pat | You gently pat (Target). |
/Peer | You peer at (Target) searchingly. | /Pest | You shoo (Target) away. Be gone pest! |
/Pick | You pick your nose and show it to (Target). | /Pity | You look down upon (Target) with pity. |
/Pizza | You are hungry. Maybe (Target) has some food... | /Poke | You poke (Target). Hey! |
/Pounce | You pounce on top of (Target). | /Praise | You lavish praise upon (Target). |
/Purr | You purr at (Target). | /Raise | You look at (Target) and raise your hand. |
/Ready | You let (Target) know that you are ready! | /Rear | You shake your rear at (Target). |
/Scared | You are scared of (Target). | /Scratch | You scratch (Target). How catty! |
/Sexy | You think (Target) is a sexy devil | /Shake | You shake your rear at (Target) |
/Shimmy | You shimmy before (Target) | /Shiver | You shiver beside (Target). Chilling! |
/Shoo | You shoo (Target) away. Be gone pest! | /Smell | (Target) smells (Target). Wow, someone stinks! |
/Smile | You smile at (Target). | /Smirk | You smirk slyly at (Target). |
/Snarl | You bare your teeth and snarl at (Target). | /Snicker | You snicker at (Target). |
/Sniff | You sniff (Target). | /Snub | You snub (Target). |
/Soothe | You soothe (Target). There, there...things will be ok. | /Sorry | You apologize to (Target). Sorry! |
/Spit | You spit on (Target). | /Spoon | You cuddle up against (Target). |
/Stare | You stare (Target) down. | /Stink | (Target) smells (Target). Wow, someone stinks! |
/Tap | You tap your foot as you wait for (Target). | /Tease | You tease (Target). |
/Thirsty | You let (Target) know you are thirsty. Spare a drink? | /Threat | You threaten (Target) with the wrath of doom. |
/Tickle | You tickle (Target). Hee hee! | /Tired | You let (Target) know that you are tired. |
/Veto | You veto (Target)'s motion | /Volunteer | You look at (Target) and raise your hand. |
/Whine | You whine pathetically at (Target). | /Wicked | You grin wickedly at (Target). |
/Wink | You wink slyly at (Target). | /Work | You work with (Target). |
/Wrath | You threaten (Target) with the wrath of doom. |
Animované emoce
/Applaud | You applaud at (Target). Bravo! | /Applause | You applaud at (Target). Bravo! |
/Attacktarget | You tell everyone to attack (Target). | /Blow | You blow a kiss to (Target). |
/Bored | You are terribly bored with (Target). | /Bye | You wave goodbye to (Target). Farewell! |
/Cackle | You cackle maniacally at (Target) | /Clap | You clap excitedly for (Target). |
/Commend | You commend (Target) on a job well done. | /Congrats | You congratulate (Target). |
/Congratulate | You congratulate (Target). | /Cry | You cry on (Target)'s shoulder. |
/Farewell | You wave goodbye to (Target). Farewell! | /Flap | With arms flapping, you strut around (Target). Cluck, Cluck, Chicken! |
/Flee | You yell for everyone to flee! | /Flirt | You flirt with (Target). |
/Followme | You motion for (Target) to follow. | /Giggle | You giggle at (Target). |
/Gloat | You gloat over (Target)'s misfortune. | /Goodbye | You wave goodbye to (Target). Farewell! |
/Guffaw | You take one look at (Target) and let out a guffaw! | /Healme | You call out for healing! |
/Hello | You greet (Target) with a hearty hello! | /Helpme | You cry out for help! |
/Hi | You greet (Target) with a hearty hello! | /Charge | You start to charge. |
/Cheer | You cheer at (Target) | /Chicken | With arms flapping, you strut around (Target). Cluck, Cluck, Chicken! |
/Chuckle | You chuckle at (Target). | /Kiss | You blow a kiss to (Target). |
/incoming | /laugh | You laugh at (Target). | |
/Lol | You laugh at (Target). | /Moo | You moo at (Target). Mooooooooooo. |
/Mourn | In quiet contemplation, you mourn the death of (Target). | /No | You tell (Target) NO. Not going to happen. |
/Nod | You nod at (Target). | /OOM | You announce that you have low mana! |
/Openfire | You give the order to open fire. | /Rasp | You make a rude gesture at (Target). |
/Rofl | You roll on the floor laughing at (Target). | /Sigh | You sigh at (Target). |
/Silly | You tell (Target) a joke. | /Strut | With arms flapping, you strut around (Target). Cluck, Cluck, Chicken! |
/Taunt | You make a taunting gesture at (Target). Bring it! | /Thank | You thank (Target). |
/thanks | /train | ||
/Ty | You thank (Target) | /Violin | You play the world's smallest violin for (Target). |
/Wait | You ask (Target) to wait. | /Weep | You cry on (Target)'s shoulder. |
/Welcome | You welcome (Target) | /Whistle | You whistle at (Target). |
/Yawn | You yawn sleepily at (Target). | /yes |
Zvukové emoce
/Angry | You raise your fist in anger at (Target). | /Bashful | You are so bashful...too bashful to get (Target)'s attention. |
/Beg | You beg (Target). How pathetic. | /Blush | You blush at (Target). |
/Boggle | You boggle at (Target). | /Bow | You bow before (Target). |
/Bravo | You applaud at (Target). Bravo! | /Confused | You look at (Target) with a confused look. |
/Curtsey | You curtsey before (Target). | /Dance | You dance with (Target). |
/Drink | You raise a drink to (Target). Cheers! | /Eat | You begin to eat in front of (Target) |
/Excited | You talk excitedly with (Target). | /Feast | You begin to eat in front of (Target) |
/Flex | You flex at (Target). Oooooh so strong! | /Gasp | You gasp at (Target). |
/Golfclap | You clap for (Target), clearly unimpressed. | /Greet | You greet (Target) warmly |
/Greetings | You greet (Target) warmly. | /Grovel | You grovel before (Target) like a subservient peon |
/Growl | You growl menacingly at (Target). | /Hail | You hail (Target). |
/Chew | You begin to eat in front of (Target). | /Insult | You think (Target) is the son of a motherless ogre. |
/Kneel | You kneel before (Target). | /Lay | You lie down before (Target). |
/Laydown | You lie down before (Target). | /Lie | You lie down before (Target). |
/Liedown | You lie down before (Target). | /Lost | You want (Target) to know that you are hopelessly lost. |
/Mad | You raise your fist in anger at (Target). | /Peon | You grovel before (Target) like a subservient peon. |
/Plead | You plead with (Target). | /Point | You point at (Target). |
/Ponder | You ponder (Target)'s actions. | /Pray | You say a prayer for (Target). |
/Question | You question (Target). | /Roar | You roar with bestial vigor at (Target). So fierce! |
/Rude | You make a rude gesture at (Target). | /Salute | You salute (Target) with respect. |
/Shindig | You raise a drink to (Target). Cheers! | /Shout | |
/Shrug | You shrug at (Target). Who knows? | /Shy | You smile shyly at (Target). |
/Sit | /Sleep | You fall asleep. Zzzzzzz. | |
/Sob | You cry on (Target)'s shoulder. | /Stand | |
/Strong | You flex at (Target). Oooooh so strong! | /Surrender | You surrender before (Target). Such is the agony of defeat... |
/Talk | /Talkex | ||
/Talkq | /Victory | You bask in the glory of victory with (Target). | |
/Wave | You wave at (Target). |